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NServiceBus Champs

The NServiceBus Champs program is our way of recognizing exceptional, independent community leaders who share their passion, technical expertise, and real-world knowledge of NServiceBus with others.

We deeply appreciate the vital role these individuals play in the adoption of technology and in helping our customers do great things with our products.

Meet our champs

Meet the NServiceBus Champs.

Click a name on the list to learn more.

Adam Fyles

Job title
Solution Architect
US Regional Retailer
Solution Architect experienced in enterprise development and integration. Interested in distributed systems design and implementation on multiple platforms.

Andrew Siemer

Job title
Andrew Siemer is a former Army Ranger, former Chief Architect of, and the founder and CEO of Father of 6 kids, author of 5 books, speaker and community manager, and rancher of hundreds of pigs & chickens. Continuously improving lives with technology, a drop of crazy, and a whole lot of GET STUFF DONE!

Carsten Meyer

Job title
DATA Passion
As CTO of DATA Passion, Carsten has introduced NServiceBus in the company and in many customer projects. With an development experience of 15 years, he’s also responsible for architecture, technology strategy and development processes at DATA Passion.

Christer Østergaard

Job title
Software Development Contractor
stratal ApS
Business minded software designer and developer with more than 13 years of experience. Talent for creative solutions, problem solving, making customers happy and helping them reach their business goals. Experience with large organizations in private and public sector. Based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Colin Pear

Job title
Principal Integration Architect
Colin is a Principal Architect at biBERK Insurance Services where he applies his skills in leading highly productive development teams with an emphasis in building distributed systems. Colin is an evangelist for Particular Software and NServiceBus. He has a passion for service-oriented architecture (SOA), and building Azure hosted, Microsoft .NET applications, that are deployed with Azure DevOps.

Derek Comartin

Job title
Director of Software Engineering
Derek Comartin is a software developer with two decades of professional experience that spans enterprise, startups, professional services, and product development. He’s written software for a variety of business domains such as distribution, transportation, manufacturing, and accounting.

Hannes Lowette

Job title
.NET Consultant & Coach
Hannes is a developer, a coach and a father of 3. As a developer, he has always had a passion for performance, databases, distributed systems and large scale applications. But most of all, he likes playing devil’s advocate in technical discussions by drawing the ‘it depends’ card. As a coach, he is enthusiastic about knowledge sharing, personal growth and building careers. All this while keeping in mind that the pace needs to be sustainable. Helping others grow is a key motivator for him.

Indu Alagarsamy

Job title
Cloud Architect
I enjoy designing distributed systems using event-driven architecture style and domain-driven design principles. I have over 15 years of software development experience working with various industries like healthcare, finance, biotech, and emergency services. I am passionate about diversity and inclusiveness in the tech industry. When not programming, I am an occasional rock climber, who loves to chill in sunny Southern California with my kids and super chill giant mastiff.

Jimmy Bogard

Job title
Software Consultant
Co-author of the MVC in Action books and creator of the OSS library AutoMapper.

Joey Chömpff

Job title
JSC Projects
Joey is a freelance professional who carries out his work from JSC Projects. He has almost 20 years experience in software development and wrote in 2007 for his first time on a distributed (message-driven) software system. He follows NServiceBus from the early days and is still a big fan. He loves to educate and enthusiast co-workers about developing/designing loosely coupled systems. Not only backend even frontend should be loosely coupled, with techniques like “composite ui”, “viewmodel composition”, etc. He also likes to use EventStormings sessions with the business to find the business capabilities of the company.

Johannes Gustafsson

Job title
Lead Developer
InExchange Factorum AB
Application developer and database administrator. Specialities in database programming and have a growing interest in building scalable message based systems.

Jon van Doore

Job title
Interested in building people and teams that do great things.

Justin Alexander

Job title
Strategic Research & Development Leader
Hyland Software
Justin has more than 20 years of experience in software architecture, project management, datacenter operations, information security, and IT governance. He has enjoyed being an active member of the NServiceBus community since 2008. He currently works with a team of cloud platform developers at Hyland Software.

Kijana Woodard

Independent software contractor with 17 years of professional experience based in Dallas, TX.

Lars Corneliussen

Job title
Copy/Paste Engineer
Lars Corneliussen is a co-owner of Faktum Software GmbH in Waltrop, Germany. While his developer roots are in Enterprise Content Management he now mostly works in mid-size software projects in roles varying from team lead and whiteboard operator to coding monkey. He programs .NET since the very beginning in 2001 and has been blogging and writing articles for arbitrary technical magazines for the last couple of years.

Marçal Serrate

Job title
Software Architect
Marçal Serrate is Software Architect at Pasiona, a consulting company specialized in Microsoft technologies, where he has been working on national and international projects applying SOA, DDD and CQRS. He has also been carrying out the 4-day Enterprise Development with NServiceBus course in Spain.

Matt Mercurio

Job title
Port Technology Services
Matt is a software architect with over 20 years of experience in enterprise and startup companies. Attending the Advanced Distributed Systems Design course in 2015 sparked his passion for SOA and event-driven architecture.

Michał Bogdański

Job title
Software Developer, Designer & Architect
In my over 10 years of software development experience I had 3 "aha" moments related to solutions design:
  • 2-Layer/Tier Client-Database
  • N-Layer/Tier RPC using Web Services
  • Components MQ using NServiceBus and Particular Platform
The last became my true passion and continues today.

Milen Koychev

Job title
Founder and CEO
DATA Passion
As founder and CEO of DATA Passion, Milen is still a techie by heart. Working in integration development for 20 years, he enjoys helping customers to setup their projects successfully – with BizTalk, Azure Integration Services and NServiceBus.

Raul Schnelzer

Job title
Freelance IT consultant
I am a freelance IT consultant since 2019, with focus on solutions architecture and fullstack development. I’ve been delivering custom enterprise solutions since 2011 and am an advocate of event driven communication. As such NServiceBus has served me well in multiple projects as a tool for faster integration of distributed systems and a way to streamline business processes in a reliable manner.

Roland Guijt

Job title
Software Architect, Engineer, Speaker and Trainer
Roland is a Microsoft MVP enjoying a constant curiosity around new techniques in software development. His focus is on all things .NET, browser technologies and development for the enterprise. As a long-time trainer, he leads many courses on these topics and speaks about them at international conferences. He is also a well-known Pluralsight author. The word that comes to mind when he thinks about software development is passion!

Roy Cornelissen

Job title
Lead Consultant
Software architect who has over 15 years of experience designing and building software. Roy works for Xpirit in The Netherlands. He has a passion for architecture, building distributed systems and mobile applications. Roy regularly speaks at various conferences, writes articles and loves to inspire and be inspired by his peers by sharing knowledge. You’ll find him on Twitter, feel free to contact!

Simon Cropp

Job title
Code Wrangler
Job title
Code Wrangler

while (true) {WriteCode();}

Nerd, runner, insomniac.

I work in "The Enterprise" where I primarily focused on building systems that operate in large and geographically distributed environments.

I am a supporter of the open source community (yes, I am a believer), and I try to contribute at least as much as I consume, although this is a constant struggle. The best part of my work is getting to tackle challenging problems, especially where the complexity requires a long period of contemplation.

Simon Timms

Job title
Principal software engineer
Inventive Group
Simon is an experienced software engineer who specializes in being a generalist. He works on everything from distributed systems to mobile applications to web applications largely on the .NET platform.