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Webinar recording

Making workflow implementation easy with CQRS

Andrea Saltarello shows how to evolve systems architecture leveraging CQRS principles and NServiceBus Sagas.


When speaking about CQRS, most developers focus on topics such as scalability, ad hoc read models, and event sourcing. While those topics are important, Andrea says we’re missing out on a potentially pivotal piece of the puzzle: workflow management.

🔗In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • Why workflows are needed
  • What CQRS is all about
  • How Sagas work
  • How to use Sagas as a workflow modeling tool
  • How DDD and CQRS fit together

About Andrea Saltarello

Andrea is CEO and founder of Managed Designs, a solution architect, trainer, speaker and user group leader.

About Mauro Servienti

Mauro is a solution architect at Particular Software, Microsoft MVP for Visual C#; nuts about DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing.

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